Using Inflatable Arches for Effective Business Branding and Promotional Activities

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Marketing is a difficult thing for many business owners. Small businesses do not know how to make their products stand out and many traditional business marketing ideas are quite expensive. If you want to enhance business profitability, you have to market your product or service effectively and consider the return on investment. Most businesses have a marketing budget, but what are the most cost-effective ways to spend and are you able to track the return? In the quest of saving money, you should not compromise with effectiveness of business promotional campaigns. Custom inflatables are an inexpensive way to create an effective marketing campaign. They are true to your brand, stand out and location and timing are controllable. 
 Different kinds of inflatable items are used for business marketing. Many businesses create product replicas or opt for their logo/emblem to be an inflatable billboard. Both options will help increase brand awareness and product recognition. A great thing about inflatable’s is that they can be for a specific logo or product like discussed above, or geared toward events. When it comes to races or 5K’s, our most popular inflatable is a start/finish arch. Boulder Blimp’s inflatable Arch is used at specific locations during an event. In most cases, racing events have inflatable arches as the start and finish line.
Attention Grabbing
No matter the type of inflatable or shape, a common factor is the ability to grab people’s attention. Using inflatable items for promotional events is highly effective. There are all kinds of ways to grab consumer’s attention, but at the fraction of the cost along with durability/ease of use, inflatable items make the most sense. Whether it is a charitable event, competitive race or any other type of event, inflatable archways are a great way to showcase the event and it’s sponsors. Most event managers and race event companies love that they can get a generic arch and use them for multiple events or create a custom, one-of-a-kind arch for a specific race or event.
Getting Corporate Sponsorship for an Event
Event managers or organizers come up with various kinds of event ideas. To convert the ideas into reality, many times sponsors are required. Event managers love showcasing the sponsors’ logo at the focal point of the event. The sponsorship logos attached to a start or finish Arch shows appreciation and helps bring awareness or create exposure to local or national businesses. The participants or event attendees recognize the philanthropic efforts of the sponsors bringing them great exposure. For event companies, being able to switch out sponsors is a major selling point to arches.
Less Expensive Than TV or Radio Ads
With an inflatable arch, you can promote your business or brand for a reasonable cost. When it comes to business marketing, many companies opt for the more expensive, traditional ideas, like TV or radio based ads. Both these options reach a large market, but you little control over time and who directly is impacted or targeted. Apart from them, if you want to save money, you may consider newspaper or magazine ads. For a margin of the cost, inflatable items can be used to increase brand recognition or bring awareness to a product or event. This type of marketing is suggested to businesses that want to make a BIG impact, for a fraction of the cost and be able to customize based on event and what kind of market they are intending to reach.
Interesting Inflatable Arches
When businesses, charities, non-profits or schools are considering an arch they are amazed at all the options and varieties. When you want a custom arch, we got you covered here at Boulder Blimp Company. Color(s), art and banners make the arch unique for every client. Make your brand, event or cause known at your next event by customizing an arch that will be used as a focal point for both your business and the wonderful organizations that helped make it happen.

Custom Advertising Inflatables


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